Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quebec Separation

I've jumped head first into a raging debate with Quebec sovereigntists. They call me a "federal agent" and accuse me of "spreading propoganda". I must be getting to them. The feds SHOULD be paying me for this! Where's my cheque dammit! I'm trying to keep this country together!

Anyways, check it out for yourselves. Come help me out if you get a chance!


Now on to related matters. French in America. Check this interesting article out!


There are communities in Maine where French is spoken by more than 75% of the population! Go figure. What else won't Quebec sovereigntists tell us?

Now might I add that there is an amazing collection of French outside of Quebec:

http://www.maillardville.com/ (BC)
http://www.willowbunch.ca/ (SK) (Also home of the Giant Edouard Beaupre!)
http://www.acfa.ab.ca/default.asp (AB)
http://www.fransaskois.sk.ca/ (SK)
http://www.franco-manitobain.org/ (MB)
http://www.fcfa.ca/ (CAN)

So, what do you have to say to all that my Quebec separatist friends?

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