Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Class System

Despite what people may say, we have a class system. When I walk downtown, applying for restaurant jobs, I pass a lot of people in suits and ties. They are the upper echelon of society. In passing I catch snippets of their conversations:

"...first you need to pay off all your credit cards..."
"...and have Linda fax me that form this afternoon..."
"...I want it by Monday..."

They get nice offices in shiny, glass, 20-storey buildings. They get to have power-coffee breaks at the World Exchange Plaza, glancing at their PDAs while deep in conversation on this quarter's results.

When do I get to join in all this? I feel so disenfranchised. I'm out of the loop. I wish I'd grown up with a strong, father-figure who had pushed me into finance. I'm doing an arts degree. Fat chance I'll ever be sipping a Latte while discussing the markets and getting paid for it...

You're either in or your out. I'm out. It seems I'd better get some financial accreditation under my belt.

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