Tuesday, October 7, 2008

George Stroumboulopoulos

After spending 5 minutes spelling George's last name -- good god, 17 letters!? I would like to say that Strombo's The Hour has got to be one of the greatest talk shows ever. And it's George, a skilled, respectful, and dynamic host who gives such punch to the show.

Guests on the show are interviewed professionally and respectfully. Give him anyone! I mean anyone! Amy Winehouse, Spike Lee, Pink, Matt Damon, Jean Chretien, GSP - and he can make that guest feel as though they are sharing a pint with him at a quaint pub downtown. Totally relaxed, guests are able to speak as though they are doing a performance. And George is humble enough to let them.

Man it's amazing. You'll just have to watch to understand. 11 pm on CBC. weeknights:


most are on youtube as well:

Spike Lee: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=Vx75PcDIg9c&feature=user
Sean Avery: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=RHrmbEGsIfU&feature=user
GSP: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=wbWKG26ebMw&feature=related
Jean Chretien: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=6V39405ajIU


Anonymous said...

are you a friend of George's?

InTheRing said...

oddly enough, no, although it does seem like a rather ringing endorsement.

no, he's just a great interviewer. i know his show has been on for a couple years now (at least) but it was rare that i was watching tv at that time. a few weeks ago, when i wrote this post, i was, and my girlfriend and i both, eagerly tuned in to The Hour. he really is a great interviewer. treats the guests so well. makes them feel comfortable. a lot of american talk shows put the guests on the backfoot (some quebecer ones too - "tout le monde en parle" for example).

george makes em relax and laugh. what we all need to do a little more of.