Saturday, October 18, 2008

Picky People

As you may know I work in the meat department at a local grocery store.

Some people are so picky.


1) "I need exactly 300 g of extra lean ground beef" says the gentleman as he hands me a packgage that weighs 462g. "the guy outside told me you could take some out of this for me." (referring to the package).
He needs exactly 300 g? Is an extra 162 g going to kill the poor guy? What if he drops some on the floor while preparing it. Or the dog gets ahold of a little bit. Then he hasn't even got 300g. what is with these perfectionists? and where do they get these ideals from? is it their doctors who prescribe them such specific portion sizes? or worse, is it themselves?

2) [told to me by a co-worker] :
customer: "this meat." (she says referring to the ground beef packages in the counter that we grind and package ourselves, every couple hours, on site.) "this meat looks..." (motions with hands as though a six legged, horned, hairy faced human just blew snot on them and looks to my co-worker for some help)
coworker: (looks skeptical, waiting for her to finish)
customer: "this meat looks" (repeats disgusted motion). "this meat doesn't look good."
coworker: (picks up package meat.) "ma'am I just put this out 10 minutes ago".
(and he did because i saw him make it and put it out).
customer: (still looking uneasy, queasy)
co-worker: "ma'am!" (smiling to assure her) "it's fine, i just put this out 10 minutes ago!"
customer: (still looking unsure). "alright, if you say so".

argggghhh. who are these people??? where do they come from??? do they not realize that there are people all over the world that would KILL for the meat we have at our store? the meat i see at our store is the absolute best i have seen anywhere in the city. there is a very high turnover (hourly as opposed to daily).
everything is fresh and red and not frozen. the way meat should be. and then we get these customers who act so Hollywood as though their palates would be offended by such poor quality.

people. back up. look in the mirror: you are not a diva. you are not royalty.
look around the world: some people are lucky if they get to eat meat once a week. slap yourselves.

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