Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Latecomer Customers

So I work at a local grocery store as you may or may not know. And one thing I REALLY hate, one thing that REALLY bothers me, is when we have those late comer customers - who have had THE ENTIRE day to get their butts down to the store and do their shopping - show up at 1 minute to closing. They come on in to the store, - and no these aren't hard-working, blue collar types who just got off work and need a quart of milk and a loaf of bread - No. For those people I have sympathy. They're in, they're out. As I do when I go to a grocery store near closing.

But no, last night, we had two ladies decked out in their nice winter hats and scarves, golden earrings on. Two Haitian sisters or something. Anyways, they saunter on in, push their cart at a speed of a cm/hr. They pick up this package and put it down. Then this package and put it down. Then they pull apart my nicely, straightened counters. (For some reason customers are ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that if they just keep digging - by George! they will find the perfect pack of chicken breast or butt roast. So they dig and rummage and dig and rummage. Then they stroll over to the fish counter, la di da di da, oh, Mr. Fish Man (they say to my colleague), how much does this weigh, how much would a pound be of this, etc. etc. They stand at his counter for 7 whole mins! Ladies! WE ARE CLOSED!!!! Get your shit and go home! We've been there for more than 9 hours already. We want to go home. Why couldn't you have come 6 hours ago when we had 8 guys on duty and we can bend to your every beck and call. Not at 10 minutes after closing, a day before christmas eve, when it's been busier than a snow plow guy in Ottawa in mid-December!

Argh. These people. To all of you out there, please do the friendly employees at your local grocery stores a favour - GET THE HELL OUT WHEN THE STORE IS CLOSED! ty.

Oh, and in good news, Dwayne De Rosario will be playing with Toronto FC next season. If he has a healthy season, he, along with Brennan (coach Carver should really play him up front more) could be pounding home the goals. I also see a spot for young Ibee Ibrahim up there too. Or even Dwayne and Ricketts. Whoa whoa whoa. And we can't forget Barrett. Power line: DeRo, Ricketts and Barrett. Wow. I see that line averaging a goal a game. I see TFC finishing third in the conference this year. Allez les rouges!

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