Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Three Musketeers of Ottawa

Fascinating times in Canadian politics! History in the making people!

Huge controversy! Guns blazing!

The three opposition parties are banding together to topple the Conservatives. For thos who have a problem with it, watch this:


Machiavellian politics backfiring baby. Harper, that sly old fox, thought he'd crush his opposition parties, thinking them weak and unable to recover from electoral defeats in a weak economy. By cancelling the $1.95/vote allotted to the parties (payed through by taxpayer dollars at the end of each federal election once all the votes have been tallied) Harper thought he'd throw a KO punch to the other three. WRONG! Rather, the opposition parties have signed a deal and there is a good chance we could have a new government by next week.

One thing however, the Conservatives are likely to porogue parliament, and put off the budget vote until the 26th of January. They will edit their budget and hope it will pass. However, the only problem is, that even with the amendments he makes to his budget, he's alienated the other parties! His true colours have shined through: he wanted to cancel funding to political parties! There is a reason for that funding: we have a pluralistic democracy. We don't have a 2-party system like our neighbours to the south. Parties don't need to have hundreds of millions of dollars to earn seats in the House. Public funding is ESSENTIAL to maintaining our pluralistic, multi-party system. Even if the Tories manage to produce a new budget in late January, this Parliament may not want to support it and instead forge ahead with their own plans for government. Excellent. There's always another way.


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